A Letter To My Son… As He Turns Eighteen
Beginning on Skyler’s first birthday, I started a tradition of writing a letter to him highlighting his likes, dislikes, achievements, funny moments, family adventures, playmates, and favorite television shows. In addition, I take a photo of him wearing a necktie as a way of charting his growth. My vision when creating and continuing this annual…
If I’m Being Honest… The System is Failing Our Autistic Adults
The month of April is just a few short days away and while it’s notoriously known for bringing awareness to autism, I am a huge proponent of using this monthly platform to educate about the sad realities for autistic adults and the overwhelming need for autism ACCEPTANCE and inclusion. All parents have hopes and dreams…
Comparison Is the Thief of Joy
I recently discovered something about myself that is very profound and tough to admit – I am not perfect. It honestly feels freeing to write those words. I’ve wasted so much energy throughout my life trying to achieve perfection in literally everything I do and in my own mind “measure up” to other people living…
Autism Is Not Always to Blame
From as far back as I can remember, Skyler has always expressed himself by using his hands. The most common of his ‘gestures’ is open hand smacking of walls, cupboards, doors, counters, people, etc. Basically, if he could reach it, he would hit it. Hair pulling was his second favorite method of contact. Oddly enough,…
Sibling Shadows
With much of my life and the majority of my social media posts revolving around autism, the impact that diagnosis has on each member of our family – particularly my daughter, often goes unaddressed. Parenting neurotypical children while simultaneously managing the ups and downs and countless unknowns of a special needs child is extremely hard….
Rites of Passage
I’m going to be completely honest and vulnerable here. I’ve been struggling with my emotions the last few weeks and haven’t really felt much like writing, talking or doing much of anything. I don’t usually let my feelings thoroughly overtake me, but this is a really momentous year for our family – one that seemed…
To My Incredible Husband… I Thank God For You
A life partner or soulmate is a person who accepts you for exactly who you are without the desire to change or fix you. There is a deep and unspoken respect between both partners. Your strengths compliment theirs and you hold each other tightly during challenging times. The healthiest relationships are rooted in open and…
My Courageous Son – You Are An Inspiration
Until I became the mother to an incredible son with autism, I had always associated courage with someone who exudes great bravery, like running into a burning building or pulling an injured motorist from their mangled car to safety. Being courageous is actually having the moral strength and quality of spirit to face difficulty and…
Enough is Enough
From the minute you become a parent, the overwhelming fear and concern sets in. You constantly question whether every choice or decision you make on your child’s behalf is the right one. When your child has special-needs, the endless self-doubt triples. The options for schooling seldom are plentiful or a perfect fit, so when an…
The Impact of Childhood Experiences on Parenting
A person’s upbringing can explain a lot about their views, values and perspectives regarding every situation or difficulty they encounter. We each gather various life lessons and personality traits along the way which impacts every decision we make and how we choose to parent our children. When I reflect back on my own childhood experiences,…
Piecing Together the Puzzle
Have you ever purchased a very challenging jigsaw puzzle just for the sheer joy and feeling of accomplishment you’ll get once you’ve successfully assembled it? The larger the quantity of pieces the better right? As I stare at those 5,000 pieces dumped onto my counter top and begin sorting and flipping them over, it becomes…
What is “normal” anyway?
As an obsessive rule follower and box checker, I took great pride in following that life cycle and enjoying the anticipated rites of passage into adulthood – specifically motherhood. However, we are never truly prepared for the curve balls thrown directly at our heads the force us to figure out how to cope with an…
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