Emotional Future

Emotional Future

Yesterday was one of the hardest and most emotional days I’ve had in many months. For those who have read my book and follow me socially, you know that I don’t sugarcoat any parts of our life, but I try my hardest to always identify the silver lining and remain hopeful in most situations. But…

Hold My Hand

Hold My Hand

    It’s a fair question and one I’ve asked myself hundreds of times. What is he trying to tell me?  Even though I’m not always confident I’ve interpreted his outward displays correctly, I do my best to understand and help. As frustrating as it can be for both of us, I appreciate that Skyler…

Autoimmune and Gastrointestinal Disorders Are Part of Our Autism Journey

Autoimmune and Gastrointestinal Disorders Are Part of Our Autism Journey

From as far back as I can recall, Skyler has experienced digestion issues, painful eczema, skin tearing and severe constipation, which was repeatedly dismissed by ‘experts’ as “just a part of autism” and we were given band-aid treatment options.  Throughout the last 6-8 months, we’ve added horrible acne, significant weight loss and increased aggression to…

What Is Wrong?

What Is Wrong?

I pride myself on writing honestly about my life – the good, bad and the nasty.  As much as I aim to find the silver lining in all situations, sometimes with autism, it’s buried under many, many levels of HARD and refuses to reveal itself! For the past three months, each day of parenting my…

Celebrating Motherhood

Celebrating Motherhood

The Mother’s Day holiday is one of my favorite days of the year.  I genuinely enjoy celebrating being the mother of two incredible kids more than my birthday, Christmas and Valentine’s Day combined. Like many little girls who played house with their dolls as children, I often depicted the ‘perfect’ mother as I imagined her…

How Do You Do It?

How Do You Do It?

I’m often asked by friends and acquaintances, “How do you do it all?” This statement usually comes after someone has observed me when I’m out and about with my two kids in tow, likely trying to redirect Skyler from reaching out to pull someone’s beautiful, long hair or smacking the arm of a passerby. What…