The days are growing shorter as that dreaded time draws near,
His age dictates there’s no longer a need, so services and programming abruptly disappear.
At the moment of diagnosis, I was told all the things my son would never do,
“But look at him now,” I scream aloud, “Your predictions were so untrue.”
He communicates through spelling, rides a horse and enjoys music of every kind,
And we’ve spent his entire life reminding him that he has a unique and beautiful mind.
So how can the world abandon our kids who grow to be adults?
Many will need continued support and for that parents are made to feel at fault.
The minimal options and waiting lists are an overwhelming reality to process,
Keeping my son home and figuring out a plan alone creates a new level of distress.
All the years we spent fighting for our kids to be included and given a chance to thrive,
Only to find when they’re no longer little and cute that it’s up to caregivers to keep future hopes and dreams alive.
“What is your plan?” I’m asked week after week, my answer remains the same,
I wish I knew exactly what we could do to ensure we didn’t have to play this game.
Adults ‘aging out’ is a national crisis that is continually ignored,
Leaving caregivers to make even more sacrifices and choices that we financially and mentally can’t afford.